Nekaj minutk sem si vseeno utrgala za še resnično zadnjo objavo ta teden. Pardon, to leto. Ne morem verjet kako hitro je bežal čas letos in koliko prelepih dogodivščin sem doživela. Lahko rečem, da je leto 2013 bilo res SUPER in upam, da bo 2014 samo še lepše. Novi ljudje, novi kraji, nove izkušnje. Upam. Zadnje dni v tem letu pa sem in še bom preživela z družino ter s prijatelji, doma, v tujih domovih ali po trgovini, s čajčkom, kuhanim vinom ali kakšnim drugim opojnim napitkom.

Včeraj smo se z mojimi odpravili v velik shopping center v Villesse v Italiji. Poleg hlač in puloverja iz H&M (kot da ne bi mogla pri nas kupit) sem dobila nekaj kozmetike iz Sephore (hvala mama!). Sephorine šminke so super in zelo sem vesela, da so v moji zbirki še dve novi. Vse ostalo pa me prav zanima kako se bo obneslo. Poleg tega se moram zahvalit tudi Katie (, ki je bila moj skrivni Božiček, in mi poslala cel kup stvari za okrasit stanovanje. Poleg tega pa je danes med pošto čakal še en paket s pajkicami iz trgovine Rose Moth Clothing, ki sem jih zadela v nagradni igri. Popolne so. Vsi ki imate radi pisana oblačila, priporočam, da si ogledate FB stran.

Še enkrat pa želim vsem res prelepe praznike, veselja poln Božič in resnično srečno ter polno novih dogodivščin leto 2014.

I decided to take a few minutes of my time for one last post this year. I can't believe how fast it has gone by and how many good and interesting things have happened in the year 2013. I can say that it has really been a great year and I hope the year 2014 is going to be even better. New people, new places, new experience. I hope. I was and will be spending last days of this year with my family and friends, at home, in other people's homes or in shops, with a tea, mulled wine or some other delicious beverage.

Yesterday I went with my parents to a big shopping center in Italy. I got some clothes from H&M (like I couldn't buy them in Slovenia) and some beauty stuff from Sephora (thanks mom!). I love Sephora lipsticks and I hope that also the rest of the stuff is going to be as good as the lipsticks are. I also have to thank Katie  ( for being my Secret Santa and sending me a bunch of beautiful stuff to decorate my apartment. And also, I got my Rose Moth Clothing leggings today in the mail, because I won them. They are perfect. And if you also like colourful things, you should definitely check out the FB page.

Once again I wish you all happy holidays, Christmas full of happiness and a really lucky, full of new experience year 2014.

Love, Kaja. ♥



Končno si lahko ob sobotni jutranji kavi vzamem čas za kratko objavo. Spet sem doma. Ne za dolgo, saj 27ega spet letim nazaj na Švedsko, ampak teh par dni bom izkoristila za druženje z družino ter prijatelji, za obdarovanje in basanje z vso mogočo praznično hrano. Ker vem, da časa za pisanje objav med tem ne bo, bom zaželela že zdaj vsem lep Božič, vse ostale praznike in polno lepih trenutkov leto 2014. :)

I finally can take some time, while drinking my morning coffee, to write a quick post. I am home again. But not for long, since I'm flying back on 27th. I will use these few days to hang out with my family and friends, for giving gifts and eating all the festive food. Since I know I won't have a lot of time to write here, I wish everybody a merry Christmas and happy, full of wonderful moments, year 2014. :)

Best wishes, Kaja. 


Want to know what Slovenian bloggers were up to? 

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Kris Tina - giveaway.

Emily Summers - November favourites.

gin shivers - review of the Catrice Celtica collection.

UniqaPoly - Happy holidays giveaway.

Anja Fir - music playlist.

UnlimitedLifePlan - 1000 jumps with elastic rope.

Vilinesa - dreams come true?

Kaja Rescic - pasta with tuna, peas and lemon.

Sabina - DIY Christmas tree.

Tamara - secret Santa sent Tamara a gift.

Maja Ena - last minute packing.

Katja - leopard shorts are back.

Vesna - Christmas decoration.

Soul Fishing - Christmas gift list under 30$.

Taya - review of 2 NYX products.

Deja - Fitness and Health sites.

Mateja Mateja - ski jumping competition in Germany.

Ula - different types of mascara.

Adjusting Beauty - Christmas colored makeup look.

C`est la Vie - seksizem.

Kat. - pancake rolls.

N. Purcell - opera La Cecchina.



Jupi! Tokrat mi je pa uspelo. Prestala sem 7-dnevni no junk food izziv. In zelo sem ponosna nase. Na trenutke je bilo precej težko, predvsem ker sem velikokrat pred sabo imela grešno hrano in sem ji morala odločno reči ne. Vednar sem bila močna, in končno mi je uspelo. Zahvale gredo knäckerbrödu, ki sem ga imela za nadomestek kruhu, vsemu mogočemu svežemu in suhemu sadju, ki je nadomeščalo sladke stvari, oreškom, ki so nadomeščali čips ter seveda Nini, ki me je vzpodbujala, da sem ostala na pravi poti. :)

Izziv priporočam vsem, ki ga še niste, v kolikor se res težko uprete sladkarijam in čipsu in podobnemu, pa še toliko bolj. Poročajte kako bo šlo. Danes bom uživala v nagradi v obliki pizze, kar seveda ni ravno pametna ideja, ampak res sem si jo zaželela. In po celem tednu zdrave hrane se niti ne bom počutila tako kriva, ko jo bom zmazala. Upam.

Yes! I succeed this time. I passed the 7 days no junk food challenge. I am really proud of myself right now. I have to admit it was hard sometimes, specially because sometimes I had the sinful food in front of me and I had to say no to it. But I stayed strong and I finally succeeded. I have to give thanks to knäckerbröd for being a replacement for bread, all the fruit, fresh and dried, for being a replacement for sweets, nuts for being a replacement for chips and of course to Nina, for supporting me and keeping me on the right track. :)

I recommend the challenge to all of you that haven't tried it yet, if you really can't say no to sweets and chips, even more then. Report back how it went. I'm gonna reward myself with a pizza today, which is not really a good idea, but I'm really craving for it. And after a whole week of "nice" food I think I won't feel so bad eating it. At least I hope so.

Hej då, Kaja. ♥


Untitled Untitled

Kot sem obljubila, še en recept: testenine s tuno, limonom in grahom. Prirejeno po: Real Simple.

Za enega potrebujemo:
85g testenin
1 majhna konzerva tune
30g graha
1 jedilna žlica olivnega olja
2 jedilni žlici limoninega soka
čajna žlička limonine lupinice
en stok česna

Testenine skuhamo po navodilih na škatli. Olje segrejemo in na njemu malo popečemo sesekljan česen. Dodamo tuno, grah in limonin sok ter počakamo, da se vse malo popraži. Nato dodamo testenine in vse dobro premešamo. Na koncu dodamo še limonino lupinico in vse še enkrat premešamo.

Meni je bila jed zelo dobra in zelo osvežilna. Priporočam.

As I promised, the recipe for pasta with tuna, peas and lemon. Modified from: Real Simple.

For one you need:
85g of pasta
1 small can of tuna
30 grams of peas
1 table spoon of olive oil
2 table spoons of lemon juice
1 tea spoon of lemon zest
1 garlic clove

Make the pasta according to the instructions on the box. Heat up the oil in a pan and fry the chopped garlic in it a little. Add the tuna, lemon juice and peas and wait a little, until everything is a little bit fried. Add the pasta and mix well. In the end add the lemon zest and mix again.

I loved the dish. Very refreshing. I recommend it.

Hej då, Kaja. ♥



Ola, končno imam čas za eno konkretno objavo. Kaj se mi je dogajalo v zadnjih tednih? Ne ravno veliko, saj sem bila precej zaposlena s šolo. Ja, več šole in manj žuranja. Vem, da je to nekaterim mogoče čudno, saj je v večini primerov Erasmus izmenjava = žuranje non stop, ampak v mojem primeru ni tako. Seveda sem sama vedela v kaj se spuščam, ko sem se prijavila na polletni študij na najboljšo pravno fakulteto na Švedskem. In prav nič se ne pritožujem, saj je bila to najboljša odločitev kar sem jo naredila do sedaj. In posledično sem zadnja dva (ali tri celo) tedne večino časa presedela za takimi in drugačnimi knjigami, študirala snov, ki smo jo obdelovali na predavanjih ter napisala esej s 3000 besedami o definiciji upoštevnega trga proizvodov v konkurenčnem pravu EU.

Še kaj? Ja, ob tem sem pojedla še ogromno odlične hrane in se zaljubila v različna good-looking in seveda tudi good-tasting piva. Haha, mojim prijateljem se to zdi verjetno zelo zabavno, saj sem bila do sedaj vedno zagrizen ne-pivec piva. No, dokaz da se ljudje spreminjamo. Tako kot vreme. Prejšnji teden je tukaj namreč divjal vihar Sven in prinesel tudi tanjšo snežno odejo, ki je pa na žalost hitro izginila.

To bo pa to. Moj no junk food teden je (zaenkrat) še zelo uspešen, saj mi je uspelo se upreti belemu kruhu in celo čipsu, kljub temu, da je Miha pred mano včeraj zvečer (ko mi je želodec pošteno krulil) pojedel skoraj pol vrečke odličnega čipsa. Upam, da bom zdržala vse do ponedeljka, nato pa že vidim kako si bom privoščila eno odlično doma narejeno pizzo, ob tem ko bom pakirala kovčke, saj v torek poletim proti domu. Kdo bi si mislil, da se bom dejansko veselila odhoda domov. Ne vem česa se tako veselim, tega da bom končno po 4 mesecih spet videla fanta ali tone praznične domače hrane, ki nas vseh čaka v prihodnjih tednih. Verjetno bo drugo. ;)

I finally have time for a proper post. What has been going on last weeks? Not much, because I had a lot of work to do for law school. Yes, more school and less partying. I know that this may seem strange to some of you, because usually Erasmus exchange means partying 24/7, but not in my case. And I knew it is going to be like that, since I applied to the best law school in Sweden. And I have no regrets, because it was the best decision I have ever made. But consequently I had to spend last two (or three) weeks behind books, studying stuff we did during the lectures and writing my 3000 words essay on the definition of the relevant product market in EU competition law.

Anything more? Yes, I ate a bunch of delicious food and fell in love with various good-looking and good-tasting beers. A lot of my friends are laughing their asses of now, because I was always a serious non-beer-drinker. I guess this is a proof that people change. As does the weather. Last week there was a big storm called Sven here and he actually brought a little bit of snow, which was gone to fast if you ask me.

And this is kind of it. My no junk food week is (still) very successful. I actually said no to white bread and chips yesterday, even though Miha ate a half of a bag of chips in front of me. I hope I will survive it until Monday and then I will treat myself with a delicious home-made pizza while I will pack my bags. Yes, I am flying home on Tuesday. I never thought I will actually look forward to going home. I don't know what I am looking forward to more, seeing my boyfriend again after 4 months or eating all the holiday food. I think it's the second one. ;)

Hej då, Kaja. ♥


Dear Santa ...

Med uživanjem zajtrka (polnozrnati kosmiči + banana + vaniljev jogurt) sem brala enega izmed mojih najljubših blogov the Fashion Junkie in seveda sem morala še jaz pripraviti (še eno) listo želja, tokrat reči, ki jih bom dejansko dobila. Nekatere slike so samo simbolične, nekatere pa so dejansko točno to kar bi želela.

  1. Čajnik, ker sem prav malo obsedena s čaji zadnje čase. (Obljubljen)
  2. Lučka za nočno omarico. (Obljubljena)
  3. Donna Wilson krožniki. (Na nakupovalnem listu)
  4. Yankee Candles. (Na nakupovalnem listu, čeprav se jih ne bi branila kot darilo seveda)
  5. Različne fotografije v obliki polaroidov za na steno, v kolikor pa denarnica res ne bo prazna pa mogoče tudi polaroidni fotoaparat. (Na nakupovalnem listu)
  6. Ferm Living nalepka za steno. (Na nakupovalnem listu)
  7. Električni grelnik vode, ker je življenje z njim preprostejše. (Upam, da bo kmalu obljubljen)
  8. Lep planer za leto 2014. (Na nakupovalnem listu)
  9. Mleko za telo Češnjev Cvet. (Že pod smrekco)
  10. Essie laki za nohte. (DM bon je še na varnem, tako da so lakci na nakupovalnem listu)
  11. EOS lip balm bo verjetno še zadnja stvar, ki si jo bom kupila tukaj. Za se razvajat. (Na nakupovalnem listu)
Dolg spisek, ki, no, vsaj upam, da bo realiziran.

While I was enjoying my breakfast (whole wheat flakes + banana + vanilla yoghurt) I was checking out one of my favourite blogs the Fashion Junkie and got an idea, so I prepared (another) wishlist, but this time with thing I will actually (probably) get. Some of the photos are just symbolic, but some of them are actual things I want to have.
  1. Tea Pot, because I am a little bit obsessed with teas at the moment. (Promised)
  2. Night-stand light. (Promised)
  3. Donna Wilson plates. (On my to-buy list)
  4. Yankee Candles. (On my to-buy list, but I would not mind getting them as a Christmas present)
  5. Various polaroid photos to put on the wall and maybe sometime in the future also a polaroid camera. (On my to-buy list)
  6. Ferm Living wall sticker. (On my to-buy list)
  7. Electric kettle, because it makes life easier. (Hopefully it will be promised soon)
  8. A cute planer for year 2014. (On my to-buy list)
  9. Body Milk Cherry Blossom. (Already under the Christmas Tree)
  10. Essie Nail Polishes. (On my to-buy list)
  11. EOS lip balm is probably going to be the last thing I will buy for myself here in Sweden. (On my to-buy list)
I know it's a long list, but hopefully will be realized.

Hej då, Kaja. ♥


Zavedam se, da so moji posti trenutno kot neki kriki iz tišine, ampak, ko dobim kako idejo poskušam najti čas za objavo le te, ko bo pa čas za kaj več povedat bom pa, kot sem že obljubila, poročala čisto o vsem (da domačih ne bo skrbelo kaj delam tukaj).

V glavnem, ko sem tatu pred približno pol ure poslala to sliko me je vprašal, če delam sadni teden. Pošteno sem se nasmejala, ker jaz samo s sadjem preprosto ne bi preživela. Potrebujem sir. In pašto. Ampak, mi je pa dal idejo. No junk food week. Ponovno. In tokrat upam, da tudi uspešno. Tako da ja, spet teden zdrave hrane. Tokrat se mi zdi da sem celo malo bolj motivirana. Mogoče je kriv ogromen krožnik sadja, ki sem ga spravila vase ravnokar, ali pa kaj drugega. Ne vem. Ampak zdi se mi, da tokrat pa bo šlo. Še posebej zato, ker je nujno treba narediti malo praznine v želodcu in v oblekah, saj že vidim kako naporni bojo (v smislu koliko hrane bo potrebno pojest) naslednji trije tedni. No, držite pesti da mi uspe.

I know that my post right now look like screams from silence, since there is no obvious logic to them, but the reason is that when I get an idea I try to post it as soon as I can, so I don't lost it. Of course, when I finally have the time to post a long post about all the things I have been doing here last weeks, I will do that (so my relatives won't worry about me mainly).

But more importantly, when I sent this photo to my dad half an hour ago, he asked me if I am doing a fruit week. I just laughed, cause I know I wouldn't survive with only fruit the whole week. I need cheese. I need pasta. But even so, he gave me an idea to retry my no junk food week challenge. Again. I hope successfully this time. So, there is a healthy food week ahead of me. I kind of feel more motivated than the last time, maybe just because I just ate a whole plate of fruit and I feel as full as one can feel, or just because it's a challenge and I want to pass it. I really do, specially because next three weeks are going to be hard for ma stomach and I need to prepare for that. So, keep your fingers crossed I pass the challenge this time.

Hej då, Kaja. ♥