Nekaj minutk sem si vseeno utrgala za še resnično zadnjo objavo ta teden. Pardon, to leto. Ne morem verjet kako hitro je bežal čas letos in koliko prelepih dogodivščin sem doživela. Lahko rečem, da je leto 2013 bilo res SUPER in upam, da bo 2014 samo še lepše. Novi ljudje, novi kraji, nove izkušnje. Upam. Zadnje dni v tem letu pa sem in še bom preživela z družino ter s prijatelji, doma, v tujih domovih ali po trgovini, s čajčkom, kuhanim vinom ali kakšnim drugim opojnim napitkom.
Včeraj smo se z mojimi odpravili v velik shopping center v Villesse v Italiji. Poleg hlač in puloverja iz H&M (kot da ne bi mogla pri nas kupit) sem dobila nekaj kozmetike iz Sephore (hvala mama!). Sephorine šminke so super in zelo sem vesela, da so v moji zbirki še dve novi. Vse ostalo pa me prav zanima kako se bo obneslo. Poleg tega se moram zahvalit tudi Katie (, ki je bila moj skrivni Božiček, in mi poslala cel kup stvari za okrasit stanovanje. Poleg tega pa je danes med pošto čakal še en paket s pajkicami iz trgovine Rose Moth Clothing, ki sem jih zadela v nagradni igri. Popolne so. Vsi ki imate radi pisana oblačila, priporočam, da si ogledate FB stran.
Še enkrat pa želim vsem res prelepe praznike, veselja poln Božič in resnično srečno ter polno novih dogodivščin leto 2014.
I decided to take a few minutes of my time for one last post this year. I can't believe how fast it has gone by and how many good and interesting things have happened in the year 2013. I can say that it has really been a great year and I hope the year 2014 is going to be even better. New people, new places, new experience. I hope. I was and will be spending last days of this year with my family and friends, at home, in other people's homes or in shops, with a tea, mulled wine or some other delicious beverage.
Yesterday I went with my parents to a big shopping center in Italy. I got some clothes from H&M (like I couldn't buy them in Slovenia) and some beauty stuff from Sephora (thanks mom!). I love Sephora lipsticks and I hope that also the rest of the stuff is going to be as good as the lipsticks are. I also have to thank Katie ( for being my Secret Santa and sending me a bunch of beautiful stuff to decorate my apartment. And also, I got my Rose Moth Clothing leggings today in the mail, because I won them. They are perfect. And if you also like colourful things, you should definitely check out the FB page.
Once again I wish you all happy holidays, Christmas full of happiness and a really lucky, full of new experience year 2014.
Love, Kaja. ♥
Yesterday I went with my parents to a big shopping center in Italy. I got some clothes from H&M (like I couldn't buy them in Slovenia) and some beauty stuff from Sephora (thanks mom!). I love Sephora lipsticks and I hope that also the rest of the stuff is going to be as good as the lipsticks are. I also have to thank Katie ( for being my Secret Santa and sending me a bunch of beautiful stuff to decorate my apartment. And also, I got my Rose Moth Clothing leggings today in the mail, because I won them. They are perfect. And if you also like colourful things, you should definitely check out the FB page.
Once again I wish you all happy holidays, Christmas full of happiness and a really lucky, full of new experience year 2014.
Love, Kaja. ♥