After a week of silence, a week of packing, travelling and getting used to the fact that I am back in Slovenia now, it is finally time to post something again. I am going to wait with the "Erasmus exchange is amazing", "I already miss Sweden" and "Thank you everybody" posts just a little bit and tell you something about our (Sarah's and mine) trip to Göteborg two weeks ago (you can find a video about it in the previous post).

Why there? We decided to go there because I was leaving and I wanted to do something fun before going back home and Göteborg is not that far away (less than 3 hours with train).

How was it? It was OK. Since it is Sweden's second biggest city and I was living in the third one, my expectations were quite high. I expected it to be more fun and interesting than Malmö ("my" city, the third one). I loved all the museums and sights in Malmö, but in Göteborg there weren't so many. Or we just didn't find them. I don't know. We were a little bit disappointed, just a little bit bored and the constant snowing didn't really help. But still ... Göteborg is an interesting city, it still is a city in Sweden (which makes it great) and even though you don't get the "Swedish city" vibe, mainly because it is a harbour city and they traded for long long time with the Dutch (and other people) and consequently you can see (or feel) the influence of Dutch architecture in the city (narrow and tall buildings), it is beautiful. I guess in the summer it's even better, so I would suggest you to visit it then.

What did we do? [Day 1] We arrived around "lunch time" on Tuesday (14/01) and we just started walking around the city to see the main sights outside (Opera House, Harbour). We also stopped in the city's museum and after that in a Cafe da Mateo, which has to be famous or something, since it is mentioned in all the travel guides and is very popular on Foursquare (did I mention that this is the best app on the planet?!). After the quick break we continued with walking around the city, stopped in the biggest park and enjoyed the rose and tropical garden in the center of the Trädgådsföreningen. Can you imagine how nice it was to step into the warm glass house full of roses and other flowers while it was snowing outside? After that we did some more walking and then went to the hostel, because we were quite tired. [Day 2] The plan was to visit some churches, the university, museums, but we woke up too early and when we arrived to the city center, everything was still closed, so we had to adjust our plans. But still, we saw the Göteborg's University campus, some churches, the Museum of Art (my favorite, I'm a sucker for modern art that I don't get :D) and finished with the Aquarium and Sea Museum and a little bit of shopping in Top Shop and some other shops. Because it was cold and dark quite fast, we finished our day at around 5PM and returned to hostel for dinner and to make plans for the last day. [Day 3] We decided to visit one of the archipelago islands, which are located to the West of the city (30 minutes tram ride from the city center + boat ride). We decided to go to Styrsö, because the guy selling the boat tickets said that there will be some things open there, so we should go there instead of any other. But, in the end, everything was closed. But we didn't really mind. When we got to the island we just walked around the island and enjoyed the snow and the beautiful forest. When we got back to the port we realized that nothing was open there so we went back to the main land with the boat and spend the rest of the day in the center of Göteborg.

Walking all day around in the snow and cold is really exhausting, but still, the trip was great and I am very happy I decided to do it. And I got a chance to spend a lot of time with Sarah and talk a bunch of weird and fun stuff with her. Sarah, thanks for going with me. :)

This is it. Sadly, this is the last post describing stuff I did in Sweden. I am already situated in my little apartment in Ljubljana, enjoying the smell of a lighted candle, drinking warm tea and watching the snow outside. I am not gonna get all emotional now. Not time for that yet. But yeah, I miss Sweden. Fact.

Tokrat bom izpustila slovenščino. Preveč teksta za prevajat. Upam, da mi ne zamerite. ;)

Love, Kaja. ♥


A short video of the trip to Gothenburg.

Kratek video s potepanja po Gothenburgu.

Song: Feel the Freedom by Thirteen Days.
Love, Kaja. ♥


OMG, my exchange is gonna end this week. I'm flying home on Friday, so this weekend was my last weekend here. After spending 3 days a little bit northern, in Göteborg (post about that is gonna come some time this week), I was really tired, so I decided to spend Friday at home. Since Miha was leaving to the States for two weeks on Saturday morning we made our last dinner here together. Yummy as always. Of course, because he is the best brother ever, he woke me up when he left (at 6AM I think), just to say goodbye. I spent the rest of Saturday preparing for the pot-luck dinner I hosted that evening. I think there was 11 of us, stuffing ourselves with the most amazing food we made and having a great time. A proper last weekend here. Thanks to everybody that came and made my last Saturday so amazing! (a proper thank you post is still to come anyway ...). Sunday was of course clean-up day. And now it's Monday, the beginning of my last week here. I think I'm getting pretty sad and that a lot of tissues are gonna be used until Friday when I will be on my way back to Slovenia. Uh.

Oh, moja izmenjava se bo končala ta teden. V petek letim proti domu in ta vikend je bil moj zadnji vikend tukaj na Švedskem. Po treh napornih dneh nekoliko bolj na severu, v Gothenburgu (objava o tem bo še prišla enkrat tekom tedna), sem bila v petek precej utrujena in sem se odločila, da ne bom hodila ven. Ker se je Miha v soboto odpravljal za dva tedna v Ameriko, sva si v petek privoščila eno konkretno zadnjo večerjo skupaj tukaj. Seveda je bila odlična, kot ponavadi. Ker je najboljši brat na svetu, me je v soboto, ko je odšel, zbudil in pozdravil (ob šestih zjutraj se mi zdi). Preostanek sobote sem porabila za pripravo na pot-luck večerjo, ki sem jo organizirala tisti večer. Zdi se mi, da nas je bilo 11, in vsi smo se veselo basali s hrano, ki smo jo pripravili (bistvo pot-luck večerje je da vsak nekaj prinese) ter uživali v super družbi. Zadnja sobota tukaj ne bi mogla biti boljša. Nedelja je pa seveda morala biti namenjena čiščenju. Sedaj pa je ponedeljek, prvi dan mojega zadnjega tedna tukaj. Joj, že postajam žalostna in že vidim koliko ropčkov bo porabljenih do petka ko bom na poti proti Sloveniji. Uf.

Love, Kaja. ♥



A quiet Friday with "family" at home with fusion dinner, chocolate chip cookies and beer. And then a crazy Saturday party in Lund full of amazing Basque food. Tack så mycket Ainize, for everything!


After handing in my exam yesterday I felt like baking cookies. So I did. I used this recipe: click. Sally's Baking Addiction is becoming my favorite blog I think. These were amazing. Well, they still are. It's worth trying them out.

Po oddaji izpita včeraj sem dobila željo po peki piškotov. In sem jih spekla. Uporabila sem ta recept: klik. Sally's Baking Addiction postaja moj najljubši blog. Piškoti so bili odlični. No, še vedno so. Definitivno se jih splača narediti.

Love, Kaja. ♥


I have to admit I have been thinking about making a lemon pound cake for weeks (or almost months) now, but I never got to it. And since now I have to study for my exam on Friday, I'm doing everything else than studying. Haha, not really true. But I wanted something sweet after lunch, so I tried it out. I divided the recipe with 6 and made 2 really small ones. I left out the frosting (I only used a little bit of powdered sugar), because the cake is fattening enough. Just so you know, it was delicious. You can get the recipe (unfortunately in Slovenian) on Okusno.je.

Že veliko časa sem razmišljala o tem, da bi spekla limonin kolač, vendar se preprosto nisem lotila tega. Seveda sedaj, ko se moram učiti, saj imam v petek izpit, delam vse drugo, samo učim se ne. Hec, hec, se učim. Vseeno pa sem si po kosilu zaželela nekaj sladkega in zato sem naredila dva mini limonina kolačka. Recept sem delila s 6. Preliva za po vrhu nisem naredila, ampak sem uporabila samo nekaj sladkorja v prahu. Kolaček je bil odličen. Definitivno bom še kdaj ponovila to. Recept lahko najdete na Okusno.je.

Love, Kaja. ♥


New year, new resolutions. I know many people (my boyfriend included) think new year's resolutions are stupid, because you never stick to them or you make a resolution that is too easy and you already know you're going to do it. But I still think they are great, because we all need something that drives us, motivates us so we can achieve even more. So here are my resolutions for 2014:

  • Write more (on my newly good-looking blog).
  • Post at least one recipe on your blog per month.
  • Read more (regular books, not the ones you have to read for school).
  • Drink more tea (I have become a little bit obsessed with it and I want to continue with my obsession as you can already see on the photo).
  • Graduate (I only have to write one paper and my thesis and I plan on doing that before June).
  • Travel at least once (I am thinking about Netherlands in spring or beginning of summer).
  • Go to all the interesting concerts around you.
  • Start taking photos with your Canon.
  • Start living healthier (meaning more exercise, since I am already eating healthier than I did last year, if we exclude the holidays of course).
  • Find one new thing to do that will make you happy.
  • At the end of the year, check if you stuck to your resolutions.

I am already working on some of them and hoping I will start realizing the rest of them as soon as possible. Fingers crossed.

What are your resolution for 2014?

Novo leto, nove zaobljube. Vem da vas veliko (vključno z mojim fantom) misli, da so novoletne zaobljube neumne, ker jih nikoli ne uresničimo ali pa si postavimo prelahke za katere vemo, da jih bomo absolutno uresničili. Sama se s tem ne strinjam in mislim, da vsi potrebujemo nekaj, da nas motivira, goni, da dosežemo še več kot bi drugače. Tukaj so moje zaobljube za leto 2014:

  • Piši več (na novem še lepšem blogu).
  • Objavi vsaj en recept na mesec.
  • Beri več (knjige, in to ne za faks).
  • Pij več čaja (čisto malo sem obsedena s čaji in rada bi nadaljevala to obsesijo, kot lahko vidite po fotografiji).
  • Diplomiraj (napisati moram samo eno seminarsko in diplomo in če bo šlo po načrtih, pred junijem).
  • Pojdi na vsaj eno potovanje (razmišljam o Nizozemski spomladi ali v začetku poletja).
  • Pojdi na vse zanimive koncerte v bližini.
  • Fotografiraj s Canon fotoaparatom.
  • Začni živeti bolj zdravo (kar pomeni malo več gibanja, ker prehranjevanje sem vsaj nekoliko popravila že lansko leto, če seveda ne štejemo praznikov).
  • Najdi eno novo stvar za delat, ki te bo veselila.
  • Na koncu leta preveri, ali si se držala zaobljub.

Nekaterih se že držim za druge pa upam, da jih bom začela uresničevati čimprej. Držim pesti.

Kakšne pa so vaše zaobljube za leto 2014?

Love, Kaja. ♥


Perfect lazy food for the first day of the year. Yum.

Love, Kaja. ♥


The last and the first.

Have a happy one.

Love, Kaja. ♥