
Ola, končno imam čas za eno konkretno objavo. Kaj se mi je dogajalo v zadnjih tednih? Ne ravno veliko, saj sem bila precej zaposlena s šolo. Ja, več šole in manj žuranja. Vem, da je to nekaterim mogoče čudno, saj je v večini primerov Erasmus izmenjava = žuranje non stop, ampak v mojem primeru ni tako. Seveda sem sama vedela v kaj se spuščam, ko sem se prijavila na polletni študij na najboljšo pravno fakulteto na Švedskem. In prav nič se ne pritožujem, saj je bila to najboljša odločitev kar sem jo naredila do sedaj. In posledično sem zadnja dva (ali tri celo) tedne večino časa presedela za takimi in drugačnimi knjigami, študirala snov, ki smo jo obdelovali na predavanjih ter napisala esej s 3000 besedami o definiciji upoštevnega trga proizvodov v konkurenčnem pravu EU.

Še kaj? Ja, ob tem sem pojedla še ogromno odlične hrane in se zaljubila v različna good-looking in seveda tudi good-tasting piva. Haha, mojim prijateljem se to zdi verjetno zelo zabavno, saj sem bila do sedaj vedno zagrizen ne-pivec piva. No, dokaz da se ljudje spreminjamo. Tako kot vreme. Prejšnji teden je tukaj namreč divjal vihar Sven in prinesel tudi tanjšo snežno odejo, ki je pa na žalost hitro izginila.

To bo pa to. Moj no junk food teden je (zaenkrat) še zelo uspešen, saj mi je uspelo se upreti belemu kruhu in celo čipsu, kljub temu, da je Miha pred mano včeraj zvečer (ko mi je želodec pošteno krulil) pojedel skoraj pol vrečke odličnega čipsa. Upam, da bom zdržala vse do ponedeljka, nato pa že vidim kako si bom privoščila eno odlično doma narejeno pizzo, ob tem ko bom pakirala kovčke, saj v torek poletim proti domu. Kdo bi si mislil, da se bom dejansko veselila odhoda domov. Ne vem česa se tako veselim, tega da bom končno po 4 mesecih spet videla fanta ali tone praznične domače hrane, ki nas vseh čaka v prihodnjih tednih. Verjetno bo drugo. ;)

I finally have time for a proper post. What has been going on last weeks? Not much, because I had a lot of work to do for law school. Yes, more school and less partying. I know that this may seem strange to some of you, because usually Erasmus exchange means partying 24/7, but not in my case. And I knew it is going to be like that, since I applied to the best law school in Sweden. And I have no regrets, because it was the best decision I have ever made. But consequently I had to spend last two (or three) weeks behind books, studying stuff we did during the lectures and writing my 3000 words essay on the definition of the relevant product market in EU competition law.

Anything more? Yes, I ate a bunch of delicious food and fell in love with various good-looking and good-tasting beers. A lot of my friends are laughing their asses of now, because I was always a serious non-beer-drinker. I guess this is a proof that people change. As does the weather. Last week there was a big storm called Sven here and he actually brought a little bit of snow, which was gone to fast if you ask me.

And this is kind of it. My no junk food week is (still) very successful. I actually said no to white bread and chips yesterday, even though Miha ate a half of a bag of chips in front of me. I hope I will survive it until Monday and then I will treat myself with a delicious home-made pizza while I will pack my bags. Yes, I am flying home on Tuesday. I never thought I will actually look forward to going home. I don't know what I am looking forward to more, seeing my boyfriend again after 4 months or eating all the holiday food. I think it's the second one. ;)

Hej då, Kaja. ♥

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