Hello my name is Kaja and I am currently in love with tote bags. Especially the ones made by Slovenian designers. Those are the best! Me so happy! ;)
Left: "This ain't no time to sit around cryin' like a bunch of pussies."
From: 3Ptice, made by amazing and sunny Anita. I fell in love with this tote bag instantly, but I never got myself to order it. Luckily, I got it last Christmas as a present from a friend. Beside this and all the other cute tote bags, Anita also makes a lot of other adorable accessories. She also runs a blog called Life.Style.Fun.
Right: "Happy people make me nervous."
From: Pirate Piška. I actually wanted a t-shirt with the same writing, but unfortunately all the grey ones were gone. So I decided to get the black tote bag. And I really don't regret it. There was also a really freaking cute badge included of a chick with a pirate eye-patch on one eye (= pirate piška, duh!). Oh, and there is also a blog, of course, Pirate Piška Blog, on which you can follow all the new designs.
I suggest you, to check them both out. I promise you that you are not gonna regret it, if you are into clothes and accessories. ;)
I suggest you, to check them both out. I promise you that you are not gonna regret it, if you are into clothes and accessories. ;)
I actually made a decision that I am gonna stop spending money in H&Ms and all the other random "cheap" clothes stores and start supporting local (or at least smaller foreign) designers and artists. As you can see, I have been respecting the decision for now and hopefully gonna do it also in the future. So you can expect some more posts about Slovenian products some time soon ...
Meni so super te torbice za v trgovino, drugače jih pa nosim bolj poleti, ker so take lahkotne.
OdgovoriIzbrišiImam eno na kateri piše "In the mood for love" ;)
Hehe jst se dejansko že malo pretvarjam da je poletje. :D je pa res da drugačnih torbic ne ravno maram. Imam eno zelo navadno črno iz H&Ma pomojem že ene par let. Nisem "prava" ženska. :D
Izbrišixx, Kaja
Aaaa, kak dbest, ej! :*** Lih sem bla na Nininem instagramu, pa sem se spomnila na tebe in se odločila, da grem pogledat, kaj imaš kaj novega na blogu, pa vidim to! Zaaaaaakon! Hvala ti!
OdgovoriIzbrišiNi za kaj! :) upam d bom/sem koga prepričala o nakupu oziroma vsaj ogledu tvoje strani. :)
ah jaz sem tudi cisto zaljubljena v tote bags, drugega sploh ne vidis zraven mene ;) zelo luskano :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNo, da vsaj nisem edina :)
IzbrišiThese look so cool! Are they available in the UK?
OdgovoriIzbrišiLovely blog!
holly xx
I am not sure, but I think they probably are, at least for the first one I am sure it is. You should check out their pages. :)
IzbrišiThank you!
xx, Kaja :)