... with Ljubljana. I have lived in this city for 4,5 years now and after all this time, I have finally started to fall in love with it. Maybe it's because I have more free time now and I really started to enjoy the city vibe, or maybe it's just because I had to live in a bigger and (a bit) duller city for 5 months and now I can finally appreciate the kind and lovely vibe Ljubljana has to offer.
I spent Wednesday afternoon in the city center with my friend Ana, enjoying the lovely weather, delicious ice cream, tasty beer in TOZD (my favorite coffee and beer place in Ljubljana) and fattening pizza in Central Station (my favorite restaurant in Ljubljana). What else could a girl want. ;)
Js sem tudi že 4 leta v Lj pa je še zdaj nisem vzljubila. Ups :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMorem pa obiskat to restavracijo, ker pica izgleda božansko :)
Še eno leto počakaj ... mogoče se bo kaj spremenilo ;)
IzbrišiCentralna postaja pa ja, meni je res super. In čisto vsa hrana je super. :)
Ah, pogrešam LJ. Sem si želela študirat tule, pa sem na koncu pristala v KP-ju. Sem pa 2 leti nazaj izrabila vsako priložnost, ko je sestra imela "fraj" sobo, da sem skočila na obisk za vsaj dan ali dva :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAh no, imaš pa bolj sončno in toplo vreme dol. ;)