
I was really craving pizza today for lunch, but since it does not really go with the all "eat healthier" lifestyle, I had to make something different. I decided to put some pesto genovese, light gauda cheese and pine nuts on rye bread, put everything in a warm pan and waited for a few minutes so the cheese melted. Delicious and (quite) healthy. Definitely worth a try. All you need is:

  • 2 pieces of rye bread (or any other healthy or healthier bread)
  • 40 grams of grated cheese (any kind that melts is OK, I used light gauda)
  • 25 grams of pesto genovese (I am eating the Mercator one at the moment, which already has crushed pine nuts in it, but there is never enough pine nuts, so you also need ...)
  • 10 grams of pine nuts

You can also put the pieces into a hot oven and wait for the cheese to melt, but since I don't have an oven here, I just used the pan.

What about the calories, you ask? If my calculations are right (I calculated the numbers from an app I use on my phone) it goes something like this:
470 kcal = 18.5g CH + 21.5g P + 34g F

You can evaluate the numbers by yourself if you want, but for me they don't really mean a lot. At least not before dinner time. That's when I get worried about the low intake of proteins during the day and stuff myself with eggs and cottage cheese. :)

This post is a bit different from food posts until now and I would really love some feedback. Do you like it or not? Do you count calories? Are the nutrition facts even important or should I skip them? I will be happy for any kind of feedback.

Love, Kaja. ♥

5 komentarjev:

  1. kalorij ne štejem, ampak za kosilo je to zame definitvno premalo:) všeč mi je tudi ta post, itak kot vsi :)

    1. No sej če bi jst kako solato jedla bi najbrž to ful pašalo zravn :D
      Hvala Katarina, si mi že soboto ful polepšala k si rekla d bereš use. :)

  2. Tudi meni je za kosilo to premalo, ampak za kakšno malico pa bi šlo, samo to pesto morem v Mercatorju poiskat. Pa pinjol še tudi nisem poizkusila, sploh ne vem zakaj ne :P

    1. No sej, ena solatka al pa juhca prej, pa je bolš. Čeprou jst res nism bla prou nč lačna potem. No, usaj ene par ur ne. :D
      Le probi pesto ja, pa pinjole tud! Meni so ene od najboljših oreškov. :)

      xx, Kaja

  3. Bi takoj zdaj tole pojedla! Sama kalorij ne štejem. Če sem iskrena, mi je to prav hecno :D
