Zavedam se, da so moji posti trenutno kot neki kriki iz tišine, ampak, ko dobim kako idejo poskušam najti čas za objavo le te, ko bo pa čas za kaj več povedat bom pa, kot sem že obljubila, poročala čisto o vsem (da domačih ne bo skrbelo kaj delam tukaj).
V glavnem, ko sem tatu pred približno pol ure poslala to sliko me je vprašal, če delam sadni teden. Pošteno sem se nasmejala, ker jaz samo s sadjem preprosto ne bi preživela. Potrebujem sir. In pašto. Ampak, mi je pa dal idejo. No junk food week. Ponovno. In tokrat upam, da tudi uspešno. Tako da ja, spet teden zdrave hrane. Tokrat se mi zdi da sem celo malo bolj motivirana. Mogoče je kriv ogromen krožnik sadja, ki sem ga spravila vase ravnokar, ali pa kaj drugega. Ne vem. Ampak zdi se mi, da tokrat pa bo šlo. Še posebej zato, ker je nujno treba narediti malo praznine v želodcu in v oblekah, saj že vidim kako naporni bojo (v smislu koliko hrane bo potrebno pojest) naslednji trije tedni. No, držite pesti da mi uspe.
I know that my post right now look like screams from silence, since there is no obvious logic to them, but the reason is that when I get an idea I try to post it as soon as I can, so I don't lost it. Of course, when I finally have the time to post a long post about all the things I have been doing here last weeks, I will do that (so my relatives won't worry about me mainly).
But more importantly, when I sent this photo to my dad half an hour ago, he asked me if I am doing a fruit week. I just laughed, cause I know I wouldn't survive with only fruit the whole week. I need cheese. I need pasta. But even so, he gave me an idea to retry my no junk food week challenge. Again. I hope successfully this time. So, there is a healthy food week ahead of me. I kind of feel more motivated than the last time, maybe just because I just ate a whole plate of fruit and I feel as full as one can feel, or just because it's a challenge and I want to pass it. I really do, specially because next three weeks are going to be hard for ma stomach and I need to prepare for that. So, keep your fingers crossed I pass the challenge this time.
Hej då, Kaja. ♥
V glavnem, ko sem tatu pred približno pol ure poslala to sliko me je vprašal, če delam sadni teden. Pošteno sem se nasmejala, ker jaz samo s sadjem preprosto ne bi preživela. Potrebujem sir. In pašto. Ampak, mi je pa dal idejo. No junk food week. Ponovno. In tokrat upam, da tudi uspešno. Tako da ja, spet teden zdrave hrane. Tokrat se mi zdi da sem celo malo bolj motivirana. Mogoče je kriv ogromen krožnik sadja, ki sem ga spravila vase ravnokar, ali pa kaj drugega. Ne vem. Ampak zdi se mi, da tokrat pa bo šlo. Še posebej zato, ker je nujno treba narediti malo praznine v želodcu in v oblekah, saj že vidim kako naporni bojo (v smislu koliko hrane bo potrebno pojest) naslednji trije tedni. No, držite pesti da mi uspe.
I know that my post right now look like screams from silence, since there is no obvious logic to them, but the reason is that when I get an idea I try to post it as soon as I can, so I don't lost it. Of course, when I finally have the time to post a long post about all the things I have been doing here last weeks, I will do that (so my relatives won't worry about me mainly).
But more importantly, when I sent this photo to my dad half an hour ago, he asked me if I am doing a fruit week. I just laughed, cause I know I wouldn't survive with only fruit the whole week. I need cheese. I need pasta. But even so, he gave me an idea to retry my no junk food week challenge. Again. I hope successfully this time. So, there is a healthy food week ahead of me. I kind of feel more motivated than the last time, maybe just because I just ate a whole plate of fruit and I feel as full as one can feel, or just because it's a challenge and I want to pass it. I really do, specially because next three weeks are going to be hard for ma stomach and I need to prepare for that. So, keep your fingers crossed I pass the challenge this time.
Hej då, Kaja. ♥
Držim pesti! Sporoči, kako ti gre in če ti je uspelo ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, bom poročala. :)
Izbrišixx, K.