Even though the weather is not changing, Ljubljana is still "covered" with snow and parts of Slovenia still don't have electricity, because the ice destroyed the electric poles, I decided it's time for some changes in my life. I realized I love all the food too much so I don't want to deprive myself from all the delicious and not-so-healthy food I enjoy from time to time. But I still have to burn it somehow, because I definitely want to be proud to show my body this summer and enjoy the sun, the outside parties and festivals in my bikinis without any shame.
I started going to the gym that is located 10 minutes of walking away from my apartment. For now I am doing everything, cardio + machines for all the muscles (or for the problematic ones, but I guess all of them are a problem for me at the moment, heh). I also started eating better, at least during the week. More fruit, more nuts, no junk. Weekends are more problematic I think, since I can't really delegate what my mum or mother-in-law makes for lunch. BUT, my childhood room has recently been turned in a small home gym, so I don't have an excuse not to exercise also during the weekend now. For now, I am really motivated, even though some of the muscles still hurt from the yesterday's exercise. But it is gonna get better. I hope. And I can't wait for the results after a month, two, three...
Pridna! :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! (:
Izbrišixx, Kaja
En dobronameren nasvet.. Naredi si motivational board in si ga nalepi na vidno mesto (če še tega nimaš), da te bo v težjih trenutkih motiviralo k vadbi. Marsikomu to zelo pomaga(: In pa spremljaj svoj napredek, to je tudi super motivacija za naprej.
OdgovoriIzbrišiGood luck!
Crayons and Beads
Hvala za nasvet. Dejansko že delam nekaj takega. Ful motivacijskih slik si limam na WeHeartIt profilu. Pa tudi before slike sem si naredila, tako da komaj čakam da bom lahko po enmu mescu spremljala napredek. ;)
xx, Kaja