Food: Refreshing Strawberry Lemonade
Hello again. How is everybody doing in this really hot summer? I am spending it mostly on my couch or chairs, reading books and enjoying my free time. I don't have much of it left, since I'm flying to Sweden on 17 August, where I am going to spend 5 months on my student exchange program. Uf, sooooo excited! :)
But right now I am not worrying about the cold Sweden that quietly waits for me there in the North. No, I am enjoying the hot summer weather here in Slovenia. I am especially enjoying all the strawberries that we have in the garden. I think that I pick up a kilogram or more of them every 2 or 3 days. And because we can't eat them all when they're still fresh, I started trying out some recipes which include strawberries. And today on my menu was: strawberry lemonade.
I never really saw or tried a strawberry lemonade, but I thought that it probably would look something like this one that I made. So I wasn't copying any other recipes and just made it out of my head.
What do you need?
Juice of 1 lemon
Ice cubes
Pieces of strawberries
A teaspoon of sugar
What to do?
Take a clean jar and put in the ice cubes.
Then put in the lemon juice.
And some water.
Add the pieces of strawerries.
And a teaspoon of sugar.
Close the jar and mix it, add a straw and there you have it.
It's a perfect refreshment for adults and for kids (you should probably add some more sugar for them). And it tastes delicious. Try it out, while I enjoy mine. ;)
Love, Kaja. ♥