Hej. Ker res nimam več volje za učenje (zelo naporno je "cel dan" brat knjigo o švedskem pravu v angleščini) in se mi zdi, kot da mi bo glava vsak čas eksplodirala, sem se odločila, da raje naredim kaj bolj zabavnega. In to je: končno objavim recept za mojo odlično in super enostavno skutino torto.

Tokrat sem torto delala že v tretje, in se mi je zdelo, da je čas, da recept malo priredim in jo naredim malo po svoje, kar se je izkazalo kot zelo dobra odločitev. Recept sem dobila tukaj: in čez poletje sem jo naredila dvakrat (mislim, da sem takrat tudi govorila o tem).


Že takrat se mi je zdela sadna obloga oziroma plast s sadjem in škrobom povsem nepotrebna, zato sem se jo odločila sedaj izpustiti in na vrh dati samo mešane gozdne sadeže z želatino. Pametna odločitev. Ne samo da je torta izgledala zelo umetniško, tudi veliko bolj okusna je bila po mojem mnenju. Verjetno tudi zaradi drugačnih sestavin, ki sem jih uporabila, saj je recimo maslo tukaj bolj slano kot doma in podobno. Aja, pa še to, torto pripravimo brez pečenja, kar je zelo praktično, še posebej za tople poletne dni (no, tega tukaj nimam več). Torej, gremo k mojemu prirejenemu receptu.



160g digestive piškotov (doma sem uporabila petit beurre piškote, ki pa so postali na koncu pretrdi in se je torto težko rezalo, tako da priporočam digestive piškote)
125g masla

400g sirnega namaza 
300g (tokrat sem uporabila samo 250g) pasirane skute 
100g sladkorja 
1 limona 
6 lističev želatine 
250ml sladke smetane 
1 žlica sladkorja v prahu (tokrat sem uporabila kar navadnega) 

250g zamrznenih mešanih goznih sadežev 
2 lističa želatine 
100ml vode (mogoče več, po občutku) 
Sladkor po okusu 

Najprej stopimo maslo in počakamo, da se nekoliko ohladi. Ta čas zdrobimo oziroma zmeljemo piškote ter pripravimo model za torto (na dno sem vedno dala peki papir, da se je torto lažje rezalo in streglo). Zdrobljene piškote zmešamo z ohlajenim stopljenim maslom in testo dobro pregnetemo. Nato z njim obložimo dno tortnega modela. Testo damo ta čas ko delamo kremo v hladilnik. 

Želatino namočimo v hladni vodi (10 minut, lahko tudi malo več). Limono operemo, naribamo lupinico, nato pa stisnemo sok iz cele limone. V skledi zmešamo sirni namaz, skuto, sladkor in naribano limono v gladko zmes. Limonin sok v manjši kozici segrejemo in v njem raztopimo dobro ožeto želatino (6 lističev) nato pa primešamo temu še tri žlice skutne mase. To zmes primešamo k preostali skutni masi. Sladko smetano čvrto stepemo s sladkorjem v prahu in jo z metlico previdno zmešamo v skutno maso (mimogrede, tokrat sem vse delala na roke z metlico, brez mešalnika - mogoče je tudi to pripomoglo k okusnosti torte). Celotno skutno maso nato naložimo na testo v modelu. 

Zmrznjeno sadje damo v kozico, dodamo vodo ter sladkor po želji in počakamo, da se vse lepo segreje. Ko se mešanica segreje, v njej raztopimo želatino (2 lističa). Počakamo da se nekoliko ohladi, nato pa zmes polijemo po skutini mešanici v modelu. To pa je to. Torto damo čez noč v hladilnik (najbrž je tudi par ur dovolj, ampak slučajno je bilo tokrat tako, da je celo noč počivala) in naslednji dan uživamo v božanski skutini torti.

Miha je ravno danes pojedel še zadnji kos torte. Presenetljivo je zdržala vse od sobote, vendar je razlog za to zgolj dejstvo, da delam jaz moj 7 dnevni no junk food challenge in preprosto ne smem jest torte. Sem se je pa v soboto in nedeljo fajn najedla, tako da ni bilo potem prevelike želje. Torta je bila pohvaljena tudi s strani Filipinke in Francoza (Hane in Ivana), ki sta bila deležna tudi enega kosa. Pa Metka jo je tudi pohvalila seveda. No, morate probat, potem pa bodo tudi vas hvalili. ;)

Sladko prihodnost vam želim. ;) 

Hej då, Kaja. ♥ 

Hej. I really don't feel like studying anymore (it is really exhausting to read an English book about Swedish law "whole day") and I feel like my head is going to explode any second, so I decided to do something more fun. This is: share my amazing cheesecake recipe with you. It was my third time doing the cake, so I decided to do my own variation of the recipe, which turned out to be a really great idea. I got the recipe on a Slovenian recipe page ( and tried it twice in the summer.


If you follow the original recipe you have to do a fruit coating with starch on top, which I though was kind of strange, so I decided to skip it this time. I just mixed different berries with some gelatin for the top of the cake. Good decision. The cake look so artistic and it tasted much better in my opinion as the two times before. Maybe also because of the different ingredients I used here (butter is saltier, etc.). Oh yeah, also, there is no baking needed for making the cheesecake, so it is very useful for hot summer days (no problem with that here anyway) and also for students without ovens in their rooms. Ok, let's go to the (modified) recipe. 



160g of Digestive Cookies (at home I used butter cookies, which were too hard in the end and it wasn't easy to cut them, so I recommend the digestive cookies) 
125g of Butter

400g of Cream Cheese 
300g (I actually used 250g) of Cottage Cheese 
100g of Sugar 
1 Lemon 
6 leaves of Gelatin 
250ml of Whipping Cream 
1 tablespoon of Powdered Sugar (or regular one, which I used this time) 

250g of Frozen Mixed Berries 
2 leaves of Gelatin 
100ml of Water (maybe more, follow your instinct) 
Sugar (as much as you wish) 

Melt the butter and wait a little for it to cool down. While waiting we crush the cookies and prepare the cake model (put some baking paper on the bottom so it will be easier to cut and serve the cake). Mix the cookie crumbles with the melted butter, knead the mixture and put in in the bottom of the cake model. Put everything in the fridge while making the cream. 

Put the gelatin leaves in cold water to soak (10 minutes, it can be a little bit more). Wash the lemon, grate the lemon zest and squeeze the juice from the whole lemon. In a bowl mix the cream cheese, cottage cheese, sugar and the lemon zest in a smooth mixture. Warm up the lemon juice in a small saucepan and melt the dried up gelatin (6 leaves) in it, add 3 tablespoons of cream and mix it. Add this mixture to the rest of the cream mixture. Whip the whipping cream with the sugar good and add it carefully with a whipping tool to the rest of the mixture (I didn't use any machines, just my hands and the whipping tool). Put the whole mixture in the cake model on top of the basis. 

Put the frozen berries in a saucepan and warm them up. Add water and sugar (if you want) and wait so everything is warm. Then melt the dried up gelatin (2 leaves) in it. Wait for it to cool down a little and then pour it on top of the cheese cream. That's all. Put the cake in the fridge over night (or for a few hours) and enjoy the delicious no-bake cheesecake the next day. 

My brother just ate the last piece of the cake today. Everybody complemented it. Just try it and enjoy the compliments (and of course the cake). ;) 

I wish you a sweet future. ;) 

Hej då, Kaja. ♥

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