Ola, spet čas za pisat blog. Pred približno dvema urama so se moji starši odpravili na pot iz Malmöta proti domu. Ja, ta teden sva z Mihom imela obiske. No, najprej sva za nekaj dni ostala spet sama, saj se je Metka vrnila v Slovenijo, nato pa sta se nam v četrtek zvečer pridružila najina mama in tata. Tako da smo skupaj preživeli prelep vikend.
So, finally time to write a blog post again. Approximately 2 hours ago my parents left the apartment and headed back home. Yes, Miha and I had visitors this week. Well, first we lost Metka, because she went back to Slovenia, but on Thursday night our parents joined us. So we spend a beautiful weekend together.
So, finally time to write a blog post again. Approximately 2 hours ago my parents left the apartment and headed back home. Yes, Miha and I had visitors this week. Well, first we lost Metka, because she went back to Slovenia, but on Thursday night our parents joined us. So we spend a beautiful weekend together.
Če naredim kratek povzetek celotnega tedna, bi šlo nekako tako: Faks. Izkoriščanje lepega vremena in sprehod po Malmötu. Jutranji tek v sredo. Pozen zajtrk. Cvrte bučke za kosilo. V četrtek kosilo in delanje planov z Mihom v Lundu. Najedla sva se ribje juhe nato pa si privoščila še odlično kavo. Večerni prihod staršev, ki so s seboj prinesli različne slovenske dobrote. V petek izlet v Ystad z mamo in tatom. Uživanje v sončnem Ystadu in poslušanje valov, ki udarjajo ob morsko obalo. Obilna večerja, ki jo je skuhal Miha. Žur v Lundu pri Stephanie. Mačkasto in leno sobotno jutro. Sprehod po Malmötu. Ogromen in odličen Elvis burger za kosilo, ki ga seveda ni bilo mogoče pojest celega. Obisk ogromnega nakupovalnega cetra Emporia. Uspešen obisk Sephore. Ogled rokometne tekme med ekipama iz Malmöta in Kristianstada v Malmö Areni. Še bolj lena deževna nedelja ob gledanju Gossip Girl (ja, po novem sem obsedena z GG). Odlično ribje kosilo in še bolj odličen slivov drobljenec, ki sem ga jaz pripravila.
If I make a short summary of the whole week, it goes something like this: School. Enjoying the sunny weather and taking a walk in Malmö. Morning jog on Wednesday. Late breakfast. Fried courgettes for lunch. On Thursday having lunch and making plans with Miha in Lund. We ate a delicious fish soup and after enjoyed some perfect pressured coffee. Evening arrival of our parents, who brought a bunch of Slovenian goodies with them. A trip to Ystad with mom and dad on Friday. Walking around sunny Ystad and listening to the waves. Huge dinner made by Miha. Party at Stephanie's. Lazy Saturday morning. Walk around Malmö. Huge and delicious Elvis burger for lunch, too big to ate it whole. Trip to big shopping centre Emporia. Successful shopping in Sephora. Handball match between Malmö and Kristianstad in Malmö Arena. Even more lazy Sunday with Gossip Girl (yes, I've been obsessed with GG for a week now). Delicious salmon lunch and even more delicious plum crumle for dessert, which I made.
Mislim, da to povzame čisto vse pomembne dogodke ta teden. Predvsem ogromno odlične hrane in nekaj novih posebnih doživetij. Sedaj pa novim doživetjem naproti. Najprej me čaka gora branja za faks, potem laundry, kosilo, itd. Lep teden vam želim, in upam, da bom našla čas, da se vam še kaj oglasim tekom tedna. Se trudim. ;)
I think these are all the important moments of this week. A lot of good food and some new experiences. And now I have to prepare for new experiences coming. First, I have to read a bunch of text for school, after that do laundry, make lunch, etc. I wish all of you a nice week and I hope I will find time to write some more during the week. I try my best. ;)
Hej då, Kaja. (:
If I make a short summary of the whole week, it goes something like this: School. Enjoying the sunny weather and taking a walk in Malmö. Morning jog on Wednesday. Late breakfast. Fried courgettes for lunch. On Thursday having lunch and making plans with Miha in Lund. We ate a delicious fish soup and after enjoyed some perfect pressured coffee. Evening arrival of our parents, who brought a bunch of Slovenian goodies with them. A trip to Ystad with mom and dad on Friday. Walking around sunny Ystad and listening to the waves. Huge dinner made by Miha. Party at Stephanie's. Lazy Saturday morning. Walk around Malmö. Huge and delicious Elvis burger for lunch, too big to ate it whole. Trip to big shopping centre Emporia. Successful shopping in Sephora. Handball match between Malmö and Kristianstad in Malmö Arena. Even more lazy Sunday with Gossip Girl (yes, I've been obsessed with GG for a week now). Delicious salmon lunch and even more delicious plum crumle for dessert, which I made.
Mislim, da to povzame čisto vse pomembne dogodke ta teden. Predvsem ogromno odlične hrane in nekaj novih posebnih doživetij. Sedaj pa novim doživetjem naproti. Najprej me čaka gora branja za faks, potem laundry, kosilo, itd. Lep teden vam želim, in upam, da bom našla čas, da se vam še kaj oglasim tekom tedna. Se trudim. ;)
I think these are all the important moments of this week. A lot of good food and some new experiences. And now I have to prepare for new experiences coming. First, I have to read a bunch of text for school, after that do laundry, make lunch, etc. I wish all of you a nice week and I hope I will find time to write some more during the week. I try my best. ;)
Hej då, Kaja. (:
Ful mas fajn blog:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvalaa! :)
IzbrišiSuper fotke :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJoj hvala! :))