Ker objavljam toliko slik s hrano, da se vam vsem kar sline cedijo, je edino prav, da vsake toliko objavim tudi kak recept za to (ne samo po izgledu) odlično hrano. Tokrat bom delila z vami recept za cvrte bučke (bučkine polpete), ki sem jih naredila prejšnji teden. Kljub temu, da gre za cvrto hrano, se mi zdi da se olje, v primerjavi z navadnimi "pohanimi" bučkami, tukaj sploh ne toliko vpije, še posebej če jih pustimo nekaj časa na papirju, ki posrka veliko olja ven.

Since I'm posting so many photos of food, and I know all of you get hungry when you see them, I decided to post at least some of the reciepes for my (not only by looks but also by taste) amazing food. First it's time for fried courgettes, which I made last week. Even though they are fried, they are not really greasy, because they don't suck in a lot of oil and if you put them on paper, the paper will suck out most of the oil (which is pretty different from the normal fried courgettes with bread crumbs).

Kaj sem uporabila za moj obrok bučk (jedla sem samo to, kot glavno in edino jed za kosilo, se jih pa seveda lahko uporabi kot prilogo)?
What I used for my courgette meal (I only eat the courgettes, as a main and only dish, but you can prepare them as a side dish also of course)?
Pol bučke - naribane (100g)     Half of a courgette - grated (100g)
1 jajce     1 egg
50g naribane mozzarele (ali drugega mehkega sira)     50g of grated mozzarella (or other soft cheese)
Sol     Salt
Poper     Pepper

Bučko oklupimo in naribamo ter jo nekoliko odcedimo, saj vsebuje veliko vode. Naribamo sir in ga zmešamo skupaj z jajcem ter bučko. Posolimo in popramo. V ponvi segrejemo olje za cvrtje. Ko je dovolj toplo, v ponev začnemo z jedilno žlico dajati maso iz bučk in počakamo, da se lepo naredi najprej na eni strani, nato pa obrnemo, da se še na drugi strani. Ko je narejena na obeh straneh, jo damo na papir, da vpije olje. To je pa to. Zelo preprosto in zelo odlično.

Peel and grate the courgette and drain it a little, because it contains a lot of water. Grate the cheese amd mix it with the egg and courgette. Add salt and pepper (as you like). Heat up the frying oil in the frying pan. When it's hot enough, take a tablespoon and add the mixture in the oil with the spoon. When the "balls" of mixture are ready on one side, turn them around so they can fry on both sides. When they are ready, take them out of the oil and put them on a paper on a plate, so the oil will be sucked out. That's it. Very easy and delicious.

Upam, da boste recept stestirali in uživali v bučkah tako kot jaz.

I hope you will try the recipe and enjoy in the courgettes as I did.


Hej då, Kaja. (:

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